domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

BBC: A strong tool who wants to learn a very good english

On the web, there are many web sites which are supposed to help people's demands or intelectual needs. However, in real life, they are not got at all.

BBC comes to make the difference! If you visite this web page you will realize how useful and necessary this page is who wants to improve their english skills. For examples, people can find infomation about grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation between many other interesting things.
It really caugth my attention the phonetics part and its pronounciation videos. They were plenty of good ideas to learn english in an assisted way. I practiced some sounds and it was nice to do it listening to the blonde hair woman. She had her style!
Another thing I liked it was a link where people can know new words and old words that now have different meanings. All this, in order to keep your english up to date. At the same time, this british site, offers to us the opportunity to check what we have learnt through quizzes. Also, BBC permit us to download information such us posters, videos, charts(...)
Yet, BBC is not just an english web site it is also a page where people can be informed about different kind of topics such as: The national bed month of british people, news, sport new, radio, TV, weather, healthy and, of course, language.
So, english students we don't hesitate to use this web site and of course share this link with people who be interested in knowing more about english.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009


Today will be a happy day!!! I don't know what is going to happen in a few hours,
but at least, I hopefully want to think everything will be all right*