viernes, 19 de junio de 2009


One of the things that I really do not like me the most is Technology. To be honest, I have no idea why I am not interested in latest gadgets, laptops, and stuff like that.

However, I have to accept that technology is a necessary tool to our times. Internet, for example, has permitted people get in touch with their families, new cultures and new sources of knowledge, making our lives a little bit easier.

Despite of everything I wrote before, I would like to state that I really liked to write every single Friday about my deepest thoughts in my blogspot. At the very beginning of the year, I did not want to create a blog because I thought I will have much more important things which I will have to be worried about. Fortunately, the appreciation that I had about the blog changed completely as time start passing.

For that reason, I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have had to improve my writing ability, and also my reflexive skills. All that because language V was a course where I could find a place to reflect about the experiences that I was living in my laboral experience, and also about my feelings, my thoughts and ideas about Chilean problems…even I could made complaints.

To tell you the truth, I could say that I enjoy very much to write in the blog. Sometimes was a bit difficult to write what I thought about a specific thing, which I did not even have the answer. I would have also liked to write in the blogathon, but I could not do it because I am part of the university’s pastoral, and that demand me many time, but, when one wants to achieve things has to make sacrifices. Besides, I am happy to work for things that I strongly believe are necessary to the world’s improvement.

In short, I could write that it was interesting to write in my blog. It has been a very constructive experience to me, and I wish following writing in it. =)

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